



  • Monitor
  • Meeting
  • Big Data
  • Mall bar
  • Stage stadium


Security monitoring in all walks of life has become more and more important, video monitoring system is an important part of the security system of all units, it can clearly display all the monitored images, and can also be flexible switching between large and small images, convey accurate and real information, intuitive and effective, rich content display, widely applicable to various industries.



Conference room is an indispensable part of the company structure. It has the function of meeting visitors and negotiating with business partners externally, and it also plays the role of communicating emotions and discussing affairs internally. Among them, conference display equipment is one of the necessary means to improve work efficiency, which is responsible for collecting more than 60% of the information we perceive.

Big Data

Big Data

According to the construction requirements of national smart grid, aiming at the monitoring and dispatching requirements of power grid dispatching automation system, power marketing system, information data monitoring system and emergency command system, visual control platform is used to strengthen the security protection ability of power grid, and the visual control platform is used to strengthen the security protection ability of power grid.

Mall bar

Mall bar

Due to its bright color, clear image and synchronous audio and video features, huabangying LED display screen provides the audience with amazing visual effect and highlights the commercial value of media resources to the maximum extent, thus becoming the most favored advertising carrier for advertisers in the new media era. In single or multiple commercial centers and areas with large traffic flow, outdoor full-color LED screens are built.

Stage stadium

Stage stadium

With perfect product line and advanced software technology, huabangying can provide customers with customized solutions of LED application products with advanced industry level. Huabangying has provided tens of thousands of successful solution application cases for monitoring center, conference center, outdoor media, radio and television broadcasting, business integration, intelligent transportation and other industries.


Engineering case


在“中國制造2025”的宏偉藍圖下,新一代信息技術的浪潮正以前所未有的力量,深度融合并重塑著傳統(tǒng)制造業(yè)的每一個細胞。廣東潤滑化工有限公司,作為行業(yè)內(nèi)的佼佼者,敏銳洞察到這一變革趨勢,攜手華邦瀛光電,共同開啟了企業(yè)生產(chǎn)、管理及宣傳模式的全面數(shù)字化升級之旅。 一體化智能解決方案:LED大屏與液晶拼接的……


Engineering case


在數(shù)字化展示的時代浪潮中,青島信達中通積極尋求創(chuàng)新的展示方式,以提升企業(yè)形象、傳播品牌價值,并更有效地向客戶展示其先進技術。華邦瀛憑借其卓越的技術實力和專業(yè)的解決方案,為青島信達中通的展廳打造了一款 P2.5 高清 LED 顯示屏,為企業(yè)的日常宣傳和客戶接待帶來了全新的體驗。 從與青島信達中通的初步對接開始,華邦……


Engineering case




Engineering case


在數(shù)字化浪潮的推動下,現(xiàn)代企業(yè)對于會議效率與體驗的追求日益提升。近日,山東省日照巨擎科技有限公司與華邦瀛科技攜手合作,成功引入了一套先進的LED顯示屏會議解決方案,不僅革新了日照巨擎科技的會議模式,更為其帶來了前所未有的價值體驗。 從項目初期的精準對接,到售前工程師的精心策劃,再到生產(chǎn)安裝的嚴謹執(zhí)行,直至最終屏幕……


Engineering case


項目背景 具有深厚文化底蘊的百年老校,深圳市寶安區(qū)黃田小學積極響應國家關于智慧校園建設的號召,致力于提升學校的教學設施與信息化水平。為了滿足多功能廳在會議、教學、活動展示等多方面的需求,學校決定引入先進的LED顯示屏系統(tǒng)。經(jīng)過多方考察與比較,黃田小學最終選擇了華邦瀛光電作為合作伙伴,共同打造集高效、智能、環(huán)保于一……


Engineering case


在廣州番禺這片充滿活力與希望的土地上,金海灣幼兒園以其先進的教育理念、溫馨的教育環(huán)境,成為了眾多家庭信賴的選擇。為了進一步提升教學質量,豐富教學活動形式,金海灣幼兒園決定引入高科技教學設備——華邦瀛P3高清LED顯示屏,將其應用于日常教學、會議及各類活動中,開啟幼兒園智慧教育的新篇章。 項目對接:需求共鳴……

About Us

  • Company Profile
  • Factory Tour
  • working environment
  • Team style

Company Profile

Shenzhen Winbond Optoelectronics belongs to the brand company of Guangdong Yingxian Industrial Group. It has always focused on the research and development and production of full-color LED displays, and constantly pays attention to the quality and innovation of products.

Factory Tour

The Winbond factory covers an area of more than 3,000 square meters. It has complete production equipment and advanced technology. It has professional R&D, quality, and technical departments to ensure the quality of products.

working environment

Winbond has a clean and tidy working environment, strict discipline, and meticulous working conditions of its employees. It strives to serve every customer in need and has never had a slight slack.

Team style

Winbond regularly holds collective activities such as outdoor development and team building to enhance the feelings among employees, practice the corporate concept of family culture, and build a cohesive team.


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